1. Aberdeen, Scotland (1)
2. Aberdeenshire, Scotland (3)
3. Angus, Scotland (2)
4. Angusshire, Scotland (1)
5. Argyllshire, Scotland (1)
6. Ayershire, Scotland (2)
7. Ayr, Scotland (1)
8. Ayreshire, Scotland
9. Ayrshire, Scotland (25)
10. Caithnessshire, Scotland
11. Dumbarton, Scotland
12. Dumbartonshire, Scotland (1)
13. Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland (1)
14. Dumfries, Scotland (1)
15. Dumfries-shire, Scotland (6)
16. Dumfrieshire, Scotland (1)
17. Dumfriesshire, Scotland (1)
18. Dunbartonshire, Scotland (5)
19. Dunblane Abbey, Scotland
20. Duntrearth, Scotland
21. East Lohian, Scotland (1)
22. East Lothian, Scotland (3)
23. Eastern Greenock, Scotland
24. Elgin, Scotland (1)
25. Fife, Scotland (3)
26. Glasgow, Scotland
27. Glengarnock, Scotland
28. Glens, Scotland
29. Kilnaurs. Ayrshire, Scotland
30. Kincardineshire, Scotland (3)
31. Kirkcudbrightsleve, Scotland (1)
32. Lanarkshire, Scotland (14)
33. Lennox, Scotland
34. Melrose Abbey, Scotland
35. Mid-Lothian, Scotland (1)
36. Midlothian, Scotland (3)
37. Peebleshire, Scotland (1)
38. Perhshire, Scotland (1)
39. Perth, Scotland (1)
40. Perthshire, Scotland (10)
41. Renfrewshire, Scotland (15)
42. Ross & Cromarty, Scotland (1)
43. Ross And Cromarty, Scotland (1)
44. Roxburghshire, Scotland (3)
45. Sanquhar Castle, Scotland
46. Sanquhar, Scotland
47. Scotland
48. Selkirkshire, Scotland (2)
49. Spittal, Scotland
50. Stirlingshire, Scotland (4)
51. Strainth, Scotland
52. Strathearn, Scotland (1)
53. West Lothian, Scotland (2)
54. Yrshire, Scotland (2)